Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Something more that I love is that the Cravens have a wood burner to heat their place and the smell around campus is just amazing!
Another thing is that during the day its warm, but cool enough to feel like fall... Its a sweet feeling. Before long, I'll be heading home for thanksgiving and enjoying the holidays.
School is going good. I'm in my neighbor's room studying for the NT Lit quiz tomorrow right now.
My last entree talked about an English essay and I'm glad to say I got a B-. That class is funny, but I do believe that it won't be with this coming week.
I do also believe its amazing how much snacks and things I receive during work. Today I worked for 4 hours and I took Mom's cookies to eat, Jenni brought brownies, and Renee brought in pumpkin bread left over from her D group. That was just today. Other times I've gotten a shake, fries, cookies, etc. (:

1 comment:

  1. It looks to me that the security guards are going to be putting on the freshman 15 in no time.


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