Thursday, October 22, 2009


( I thought that I lost my blog when I was writing last night cause I was typing and then everything just disapppear, but thanks to technology it was saved. I didn't realize it was saved until this morning so here it is.)

I just got off work at 11:30 and now I'm blogging, eating pie, chatting, and checking mail. What a life!
The big thing that has taken up the last couple days is the rough draft for an English paper. The nice part is I finally got the rough, rough draft done. I need to say a BIG thanks to Ashley who helped me get some problems out of the way( I owe you ash). I got amazing friends here.

I think everything else is mostly going good. I got to go to my first D group on Wednesday so that made me extra happy.

I took a test in Foundations of Music Ministry and I'll say I could of done a lot better( Not like I failed though). I thought, "Okay, so next time I'll just study more, it's no big deal". Then right at the end of my shift, I was talking to Brandon about the test and it just warmed my heart when he said that we all go through difficults and struggles, but that doesn't change God. We can trust in Him and he will help us. I was so happy after Brandon said that, I just wanted to clap my hands and shout (:

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you have your rough draft completed and for the encouraging words you shared from Brandon. :)


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