Monday, September 14, 2009

never ending

This stuff just never ends. From homework to work, from work to another activity, to sleeping, then classes, etc. Plus now we are in the first week of exams and tests. *sigh* :)

I am loving it though. Friday night GBS had their own talent show. Which was really awesome.. like really. I did participate by singing "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" with the international group. For all who think that's weird I was there to represent the U.S. of A and simply because they asked me to be in it. Saturday, I went to the mall and Taco Bell with Glenn, Jimmy, Josh, and Abby.

Its not quite heaven on earth, but it is cool. :)


  1. I agree with you on the whole "never-ending" situation. I have an entire lifetime of schoolwork and here I am being the lazy fool I am by updating my blog and reading other ppl's... but hey! Life so goes on!

  2. You're having tests & exams already? It seems you just left to go to college.

  3. It really does seem never-ending, but I never realized until now how much I really enjoy being here.


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