Thursday, September 3, 2009


Okay, so in General Psychology today right when class was about to end some of the students got into a discussion about the conscience.

Is the conscience a part of the Holy Spirit? Is it the same thing as the Holy Spirit? If we sear our conscience does that mean that Holy Spirit has given up on us and won't speak to us again? Is the only difference between humans and animals is that humans have a soul( because animals seem to have a conscience in that they can learn, show guilt, etc). If animals have a conscience then it can't be the same as the Holy Spirit because the Spirit does not dwell in animals, right?

That above is just the tip of the ice berg of the discussion. I want to know peoples thoughts on the conscience, Holy Spirit, the soul, etc.


  1. Oooh. Turning into quite the philosophizer.

  2. Oh, those deep, deep discussions of a Bible College classroom!! :o) Mrs. Mac

  3. wow...that's deep. Guess my thoughts are more that the Holy Spirit isn't the conscience, but that He uses one's conscience. When you think about it most unsaved people have a conscience...they feel guilt, know right from wrong, etc. I think the difference for a lot of people is that the remorse is for grieving people and not grieving God. Hebrews 9:14 talks of cleansing the conscience...if it was the Holy Spirit, it wouldn't need cleansed...the Spirit is perfect and pure. The same would go for areas where it speaks of the conscience being defiled...unless I'm applying the wrong definition I don't think God Himself can be defiled (I know temples, offerings, etc. can be) going back to the fact that He is holy, pure and could a defiled being cleanse us from our sins? Other areas such as Romans 2 and 9 talk about the conscience bearing witness, which I see as the Spirit using it as a tool to reach us. These are my initial thoughts in the little bit of word study you got me started on, but I'm not the Bible college scholar :o)


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